When to Refresh Access Tokens in a Frontend Application


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In modern web applications, leveraging access tokens and refresh tokens is a common approach for user authentication. Access tokens are short-lived credentials used to access protected resources on the backend, while refresh tokens are longer-lived tokens used to obtain new access tokens once the original one expires. This raises the question: when should a frontend application refresh the access token?

There are two main approaches to refreshing access tokens in a frontend application:

1. Preemptive Refresh:

  • This strategy involves setting a timer to automatically refresh the access token before it expires. A common practice is to initiate the refresh process a minute or so before the token's expiration.


  • Seamless user experience: Users remain logged in and authorized even if they stay inactive on the page. They won't encounter unexpected interruptions due to expired tokens.

  • Enhanced security: By proactively refreshing, you prevent a situation where both the access token and refresh token are expired. This minimizes the window of vulnerability where a user could be exposed to unauthorized actions.


  • Potential unnecessary requests: The application might refresh the token even if the user is no longer actively using it, leading to extra network traffic and server load.

2. Refresh on Demand:

  • This approach avoids automatic refresh and only attempts to obtain a new access token when the backend responds with a 401 (Unauthorized) error. This indicates that the current access token has expired.


  • Improved efficiency: Network traffic and server load are minimized as token refresh happens only when necessary.


  • Disruptions for active users: Users might encounter interruptions if they perform an action requiring a valid token and the current one is expired. It could lead to a brief delay while the new token is obtained.

  • Potential security risks: If both the access token and refresh token expire before a user interacts with the application, they will remain logged in even though they're no longer authorized. This window of vulnerability can be minimized by setting appropriate refresh token expiration times.

Choosing the Right Approach:

The optimal approach depends on your specific application's needs and priorities. Consider these factors:

  • User experience: Prioritize a seamless experience if user interruptions are undesirable.

  • Security: Emphasize security if unauthorized access during token expiration is a significant concern.

  • Performance: Optimize for efficiency if minimizing network traffic and server load is crucial.

Hybrid Approach:

  • A hybrid approach can be considered where a combination of preemptive and on-demand refresh is implemented. For high-priority or frequently accessed resources, preemptive refresh can ensure continuous access. For less critical or infrequent actions, on-demand refresh can be used.

Additional Considerations:

  • Transparent communication: Inform users about potential logouts due to expired tokens and provide clear instructions for re-authentication.

  • Error handling: Implement robust error handling to gracefully handle situations like refresh token failures or server errors during token renewal.

  • Token storage: Securely store refresh tokens in your application, preferably using browser storage mechanisms with appropriate security measures like HTTP-only flags.

By carefully evaluating your application's requirements and implementing the appropriate refresh strategy, you can ensure a secure and user-friendly authentication experience for your frontend application.
